income tax return filing for business or professional income (includes freelancing) along with multiple salaries or multiple rental income and profit from the sale of assets such as mutual fund, property, gold, vehicle, etc. (capital gain).

Original price was: ₹3,000.00.Current price is: ₹2,500.00.


This plan is for you, if you have

  • Income from business or profession
  • multiple salary or pension
  • rental income from multiple house property
  • profit from the sale of assets such as mutual funds, property, gold, vehicle, etc.


This Plan is not for you, if you have/are

  • income from the stock market
  • income from Crypto Assets
  • are a non-resident Indian
  • need an audit for your income

*additional charge of ₹150/year is applicable in case of salary/pension arrears.
*income tax notice handling is included (other than scrutiny assessment notice)

*audit charge will be additional if applicable



income tax return filing for business or professional income (includes freelancing) along with multiple salaries or multiple rental income and profit from the sale of assets such as mutual fund, property, gold, vehicle, etc. (capital gain).


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